Remember to follow the guidelines to keep from contracting, or infecting others with COVID-19.
Please get a vaccine. Others will Thank You.
You can read guidelines at the following websites:
Washington State Department of Health COVID-19
Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Make a plan of action before someone in your household
comes down with the Coronavirus! (select this link)
Artwellspring Creative Stress Reduction
(see next column)
From time to time I will email, or post on my website creative activities to reduce stress, and build self-esteem. These can be shared with family and friends.
Come up with your own creative activities to feed your soul and spirit!
Movement and exercise help the circulation, and can increase endorphins, the 'Feel Good' chemicals in the brain.
If you can get outdoors and safely exercise, through running, walking, cycling, then please do so.
When the weather isn't cooperative, you might find some of the below online exercise videos useful.
Or, search the Internet for ones that work for you.
Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
Meditation Music – a whole range to choose from, search in your favorite browser.
Seattle Art Museum – Stay at Home with SAM
Smithsonian Activities for Kids
Coloring Pages for Adults and Children
If you need art materials you can order from Dick Blick or other suppliers online.
Maintaining Mental Health
These two articles are well written, and address grief, anxiety, and mindfulness in this time of pandemic:
Visit the zoo, many zoos have live cams of their animals, here are a couple:
If you are so inclined, make music yourself.
A little can go a long way.